Controls diluvion
Controls diluvion

controls diluvion controls diluvion

Wrecks and abandoned habitats litter the seafloor, sometimes guarded by old mine fields or other enemies. The oceans are dotted with landmarks that appear on your map once found. Traversing the depths of Diluvion‘s world gives ample opportunities to depart from the main quest line and explore. Additional crew can be hired, and used to either staff one of the four positions, or allowed to sit in a common area where they can perform ship repairs during combat. Each of these stations is (eventually) manned by unique members of your crew. Each sub has four unique stations: Sonar, Navigation, Guns, and Torpedoes. Sub classes differentiate from each other in the amount of weapons and armor they can carry, speed and maneuverability, and crew capacity. For the right price, you can also switch to one of the other available classes. Gated upgrades allow you to improve your sub: faster, tougher, greater firepower, and deeper diving. Attempting to go there in your current state will crush your sub like a soda can – not a pleasant day for anyone aboard. One slight hitch: the Endless Corridor is significantly beyond your sub’s current crush depth. After choosing one of three basic submarine types at the start of the game, players find themselves at a seedy undersea bar to hear a tale of the Endless Corridor a legendary passage to fame and fortune.

Controls diluvion