“IMPROVISATION + TAPE RECORDER = COMPOSITION” “THIS IS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT” “DEMOCRATIZE MUSIC TECHNOLOGY YOU FUCK”. I was immediately impressed by Alper’s ability to produce such funny memes about niche subjects without sacrificing complexity. After a successful run of “ask me anythings” in his Insta stories (and at the urging of his zoomer followers), LMY set up a Dischord where Alper runs weekly group crits and monthly projects. ( Maria Chavez and Greg Fox were among these early boosters listen to their interviews with Alper by subscribing to his Patreon for as little as $1/month). In fact, for the first two years or so his bio read only, “unfollow me.” But as his audience grew, La Meme Young transformed into a vibrant community dedicated to education and support, including many musicians and artists.

He wasn’t expecting, or even seeking, a huge audience. The page began mostly as a repository for memes Alper made while teaching during grad school in Brooklyn, the kind of things that might go on the first slide of a presentation. SP* at began in 2017, back when Inzane_Johnny was still wolf_eyes_psychojazz, and the niche music meme community was a lot smaller. Supporting the podcast on Patreon grants access to vocal-free versions of the episodes, as well as other benefits for higher tiers of support, including custom made mixes, soundscapes, collages, and other custom projects. I’m very grateful for any support, which will help ensure future episodes. You can support Sound Propositions on Patreon if you are so inclined, or send a one-time donation via PayPal. Sound Propositions should be available wherever you get your podcasts, so please keep an eye out and subscribe (and rate and review, it helps others who might be interested find us). Interview recorded between Montreal and San Juan, January 2021
We talk about the importance of creativity, memes as pedagogy, the limits of traditional music education, and how to democratize music technology. But a deep interest in music pedagogy is at the heart of everything Alper does, including his non-profit Sonic Arts For All!, an organization that puts music technology directly into the hands of K-12 and special needs students. Max Alper is best known for La Meme Young, his popular Instagram account turning niche experimental music jokes into dank memes.