Raster of guk
Raster of guk

raster of guk

That said, those "scary" CR's where you come to the realization that, at lvl 14, you may lose all of your gear permanently because you fell through the floor or down the well in Befallen, did have it's benefit and inspired me to later make a monk (OMG, he is fighting mobs with his BARE HANDS) and shadow knight (WOW, he has a PET to help fight mobs) as we fought our way back down to try to recover our corpses wielding rusty weapons and cracked staves. The way it is now is definitely for the better but I think you had to at least experience it the old way to appreciate it. There were many changes along the way (you could drag corpses without consent and/or loot other people's corpses), and I experienced those PoFear breaks gone bad raids too. Had I started playing late (after the changes), I might be unappreciative of how it used to be, but that'd be about it.

raster of guk

All that mini-nostalgia aside, I did not consider, for one microsecond, wanting to play on a TLP or Progression server to do it all again.ĭangerous CR's will have it's place in my EQ history, but I will not miss it. It was quite disheartening to think I would lose my cloth gear, statless jewellery (in hindsight it was vendor loot), and fine steel weapon that I had saved every copper for so that I could hit magic-only creatures. Too bad the Devs listented to the whiners in the game.ĭangerous CR's will have it's place in my EQ history, but I will not miss it. It was hard, it was a small taste of what could be. Heck, I can go molo any mob in HOT expac with my merc and i. EQ has lost its adventurous edge, it's can do spirit and the need for team work is done for. Overall, in Sony's quest to dumb the game down and make it simpler for more people in the mass market to play, it's driven dedicated players away. Leave the gear on the corpses and make it interesting. I say kill the summoning agents / stones and make us corpse run. Now we sit in static zones and summon, rezone and kill said mob. The corpse run created game excitement and challenges on the fly. It was awesome fun, an adventure within an adventure to getyour corpse and your precious gear back.

raster of guk

3) Remember when we all had 2 sets of armor and weapons for the raid corpse run? How demanding was that? Sure today's method saves time and energy, but does it make the game more fun? I say no it doesnt. Nothing in that sequence poses a threat to anyone with a simple invisibility potion or ability. loading please wait? i mean /Morrell's Castle would be sad wouldnt it? I guess it might be the way to go since the only point of making us run thru Feerott and HOT and HOT upper is to waste time. What's next? type in a zone you want to be in and bang. 2) Remember when, starting with upper HOT it was a pain to get to the next zone because there were see invis mobs / undead mobs mingling with live mobs? Sure it made it more difficult to get from a to b but it made going from a to b an adventure. i want the adrenaline that makes me be careful where I put my feet when walking over the bridge from one island to another in Al Kabor's.

raster of guk

You cant fall, if you do, they put you back in a nice safe place in the zone you fell in. Why oh why can I not fall off bridges and ledges anymore? PO Sky, fall off island, land in ocean. This is my short list of things I would like to see EQ be.again. In today's EQ, who cares? if for some maddening reason I die on the way to a zone, I can just recover in the lobby, pop my merc, rez and be off again. A world where a monster or villian could snatch the life out of you in a heartbeat and leave you wondering, zones away, how you were going to get your gear back and recover your corpse. When I started playing EQ, it was a dangerous world.

Raster of guk