While this distress call gets the squirrels talking, that’s also one of its drawbacks. It’s designed to put them on alert, and you’ll quickly see that this squirrel call actually works. The end result is typically the same-every squirrel in the area starts barking, chattering, and flagging their tail. It’s a common sound heard in the woods when a hawk or owl attacks a squirrel on the limb or ground. Four to five sharp whistle blasts create the sound of a squirrel in distress. It’s an inhale design, so it’s important to make sure you always leave it on the lanyard to prevent choking. This whistle-style call is roughly the size of a quarter and features a hole in the middle that serves as the air chamber. Works equally as well as a predator call.Included lanyard ensures you never lose it.The Squirrel Whistle is perfect for the early season when the action slows down later in the morning, and squirrels can’t help but give away their location when you sound the distress whines and cries. I carried a squirrel whistle around my neck as a child, and the sound of the whistle takes me back to those first attempts at bushytails in the early fall. It’s just the giveaway a hunter needs to move into range for a shot. Excited barks and chatter will cause a squirrel to respond with vocalizations and often a flash of the tail. This call delivers ample options to make a squirrel give away its location. Squeeze or shake the call for barks and chatters, or make distress whines and cries with the call to your lips. While one-handed operation is easy to make solid squirrel calls, two-handed use allows for a wider range of the squirrel vocabulary. Run the Squirrel Buster with one hand, so you can be ready when a shot opens up. But once you figure out the sweet spots, you’ll quickly find what tricks produce the most realistic calls. Primos claims that this call makes five sounds, but by manipulating hand placement and air pressure, you can produce even more sounds with plenty of mood and emotion.

You can easily achieve the distinctly different sounds of the gray squirrel and the deeper, raspier sounds of the fox squirrel. This bellow-style call looks similar to competitors, however the authentic sounds set this call apart.

The best squirrel calls won’t magically draw critters into gun range, but the right call can help you locate squirrels, getting you one step closer to filling your bag limit. That day I learned that while the squirrels didn’t come running in droves, the call I blew made every squirrel in town start barking and chattering, which is invaluable when you’re trying to locate squirrels in the woods. They scampered to the trees like their tails were on fire. I might as well have sounded a squirrel siren. To my surprise, all the squirrels ran for their life. I’ll never forget blowing that call out behind the house, trying my best to call squirrels off the neighbor’s bird feeder. Unfortunately, I was under the impression that I’d blow the call, and squirrels would come scrambling my way, like ducks over the decoys. In my mind, every serious squirrel hunter was equipped with a squirrel whistle hanging around their neck. Shortly after that first squirrel hunt, I remember buying a Mr. We only toted two squirrels out of the woods on my first hunt with dad, but it was enough to light a fire that’s burned every season since. I was hunting with my dad, and that’s about as good as life gets for an 8-year-old boy. In my mind, it as an adventure as big as chasing elk through the Rockies. In the early days of my hunting career in West Tennessee, I was following my father’s footsteps as we searched the woods for squirrels with a call in hand.